REdEFIND Play The Blue Ridge Rock Festival and Talk About Their New EP


I had the opportunity to chat with drummer Dustan Snow after NC band REdEFIND played at the Blue Ridge Rock Festival in VA. This is what he had to say about the band, their new EP, and what’s next for REdEFIND:

  1. How did the name REdEFIND originate?

At the risk of sounding cliché, we felt as if we wanted to take the nu-metal genre and redefine it. Bring it back to what it used to be, but with a little heavier razzle-dazzle.

  1. How would you describe your newest EP, Images?

A roller-coaster of emotion. From ‘Let’s Party’ to ‘Images’, a lot has gone on. Not only in our personal lives but with everyone’s lives, from the election and all of the hate that it spreads between friends and family, to covid which has literally changed life as we know it.

  1. What song off of Images do you feel best represents your sound?

Probably the self-titled track. It’s got the screaming, rapping, singing stuff all in it. Plus it’s catchy and has a positive message and we’re all about the love here.

  1. Give the listeners some insight into the process of the creation of Images.

It’s hard to explain. We all just kind of click. The writing seems to do itself. We all sit down. Drew/Dru/Dustan riff around while I either freestyle or write. Sometimes one of the guys will send a recording to the group chat of what we’re working on and I’ll sit there and write to it. Depending on what’s going on in my head kind determines what the song will be about.

  1. What have your experiences with fans been like?

UH. MAZE. ING. Every band says this but we mean it. Our fans are the best. And really they’re not fans. They’re friends and family. People don’t have to like us or our music but when they do it truly makes us feel better than you could imagine. We’re forever grateful for anyone who vibes with our music.

  1. You make a strong statement with your politically-charged music.  Do you feel that this has helped set your music apart?

We don’t wanna be left-wing or right-wing and I think that resonates with a lot of our fans. A lot of people will judge you on your political views to the point of, regardless of talent, they won’t like you. We strive to stay away from that at all costs. This is about music and feeling good or strong, not about these corporate jack-offs who care nothing about you. Talking about them just gives them more power they don’t deserve.

  1. Has your musical style evolved as a band since you started? And do you think it will in the future?

We’re constantly changing I feel. Let’s Party doesn’t sound like images and we’re about 3 songs into the new EP and these songs don’t sound like either of the first two EPs.

  1. If you could go on tour with any band, who would it be?

The easier question is who wouldn’t we tour with haha. We love all types of music so we’d probably be pretty stoked to tour with anyone. If I had to choose one, though… it’d probably be Limp Bizkit or Korn. We all collectively love those 2 groups.

  1. What’s next for REdEFIND?

Music video for Pain//Pleasure and Brewstock in Lancaster, SC October 8th and 9th.

They recently released the EP Images, out now wherever you stream music!


  • Images
  • All I Need
  • No Body
  • Pain//Pleasure
  • No More Heroes


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