Interview W/Light The Torch Epicenter 2019


Soundlink Magazine’s Trenton Worsham recent had a chance to chat with Light The Torch at Epicenter 2019 before their set got cut short due to weather.

Playing Festivals

Trenton starts by asking the question since they’ve been in the music scene for so long what they like most about playing at festivals versus club tours. The band hits on the crowds being one of their favorite parts about the festival and how people are really excited to be there because it’s their weekend. They also talk about the difference in the day for playing clubs or a festival.

Re-Branding to Light The Torch

The band chats re-branding to the name Light the Torch from Devil You Know. The guys hit on how it was an easy transition and how the fans reacted to the new name and somewhat new sound.

More From Epicenter 2019

Charting at 32, Radio Play Vs Spotify Playlists

The band chats about their single “The Safety of Disbelief” hitting number 32 on the Billboard charts and how they knew it was going to be a lead single and they felt it would do well, but was still amazed at it charting so high. The band also hits on the shift in society from streaming playlists from Spotify versus radio airplay.

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