Weekend News Recap: Limbs + LIGHTS + Oli Sykes/Jordan Fish


When you have a small staff and everyone gets busy on the weekends, getting news out as it happens can be hard to do. So here we have a weekend round up of some news you may have seen or may have missed! This weekend features newcomers Limbs, singer LIGHTS, and Bring Me The Horison’s Oli Sykes and Jordan Fish.


Newcomers to Equal Visions Records, Limbs, gave us an indepth look at their careers as a band. Taking to Facebook, they made a long post about ‘making it’ and everything that comes with it. You can read that post below:

Listen up.

We’re not making money, we’re not famous, and we’re not anything that special. But as a band, we feel as though we’ve hit a milestone. We’ve traveled the country together just by playing music, we’ve met hundreds of rad people, we’ve made a ton of new friends, and we’ve grown so much over the years. That’s why we’re doing this and that’s why we’ll keep doing it. We’ve worked insanely hard and our friends and family have worked just as hard along side us. The payout for it all has been amazing already and we can’t thank you enough. Our newest EP will be the first of our music that is actually for sale. Everything we’ve ever released in the last 4 years has been free and we love that. If you can’t buy the EP (which is totally fine) we ask you to at least share it around or give it a listen on Spotify.

Again, THANK YOU. We’ll talk soon.

LIGHTS Bus Breaks Down, Still Goes To Show

An unfortunate occurance when it comes to touring are vehicle issues. Buses break down and at times, catch on fire! Singer LIGHTS had the misfortune of her bus breaking down on her current run with PVRIS, but she STILL made it to the show and performed acoustic. Read more below!

MINNEAPOLIS!! our bus broke down and smoked us out and we’re currently 10 hours from the venue BUT we’re coming the heck through anyway!

getting on a plane with brodie and doing an acoustic set tonight so sing loud and hard for us please ?

Hell we will even bring some shirts and comics ?

Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor

Oli Sykes & Jordan Fish Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

The two bandmates in Bring Me The Horizon took to the challenge of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in support for Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Southampton Hospital. £69,160 of their £100,000 goal was raised prior to the climb through Jordan Fish’s JustGiving.org page.

This all came about when Jordan Fish took to his instagram in August of 2016 to talk about how his 4 day old baby had been found to have a Brain Haemorrhage. Fish wanted to give back to the ward in which his son, Eliot, recovered in and along with Oli Sykes, the two made the plans and climbed the mountain. View some pics of the climb below!



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