It was a ninety-six degree evening in Knoxville, Tennessee when I traveled to The Concourse to see the electronic hard rock band Starset. The heat inside the building with the 600-some occupants definitely rivaled, and likely exceeded, the outside. Frontman Dustin Bates said that they must have done 500 “demonstrations” by now, but he was pretty sure that this was the hottest. I definitely believe it as I maneuvered around on a sweat-puddle-soaked floor. A few people began passing out but, for the most part, the rock raged on.
Starset are a largely cinematic band, known for their flashy light shows and energetic performances. They have developed an incredibly loyal following, and seem genuinely grateful for each one. At one point, Dustin addressed the crowd asking who were the metalheads, and then the nerds, dorks, and even combinations thereof. Each group was represented in that sea of fans – a diverse crowd, all brought together for the love of music.

If you haven’t been to a Starset “demonstration” yet, I urge you to check one out, hopefully in an air-conditioned venue. They are currently on their “Horizons” tour with Red, Fame On Fire, and Smash Into Pieces, and each plays their part in putting together an absolute incredible show. It’s sure to be a night that you won’t forget.